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CS Abhijit Mukhopadhyay - Journey from India to London

July 10, 2020

Abhijit Mukhopadhyay, Hinduja Group- 4 th July 2020- In talk with MPPL

His Journey
Previously, he worked in India as Company Secretary and Head of Legal (General Counsel) in six major multinational, public and private sector companies. During his time in education, Abhijit graduated in Commerce (Honours) and Law both from the UK and India. He is also a qualified Company and Chartered Secretary both from India and the UK.
In India, Abhijit has been listed in the top 50 legal professionals, the top 25 General Counsels, and the Legal 500 most powerful list. Recently Abhijit has been included in the list of top 99 General Counsels from 31 countries.
Social Presence
Abhijit was the Vice Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Commission on Arbitration and ADR as also a member of its Steering Committee in Paris (2014-2017). He is also on the Advisory Board of CCLS, Queen Mary University of London and an Executive Committee Member of the IBF, Confederation of Indian Industry, UK. Abhijit is also a Committee Member of the International Bar Association’s Corporate Counsel Forum. He has spoken globally and his articles have been published in many countries.
3 Mantra’s of Professional Life

  • Keep Networking with People and participate in corporate activities
  • Update and Upgrade on regular basis
  • Spread Knowledge … participate in discussions and forums
  • Be always ready to Help and guide
  • Always think for adding Value to business

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CS Dev Sharma - Journey as writer

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