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Is your Human Resource a capital intensive asset?

January 27, 2020

The costly process of Human Resource Development is not only by monetary terms but also because it’s so much time consuming plus it drains out the effort and diverts focus from the main organizational objective. Placing right candidate for the right position is essential but also to make the whole process as efficient as possible. But how can it be both efficient and effective?

The other part of outsourcing is this: it simply says where the work can be done outside better than it can be done inside, we should do it.

-Alphonso Jackson

HR outsourcing in organization can be of whole or specific HR activities to a specialized consultancy or personnel other than the internal HR department. Based on the company’s requirement you can take HR outsourcing services, which not only saves the HR time but also offers specialized services at an affordable cost and you can deploy your HR in other business development activities.

At Mangalam Placement we offer you expertise solution from HR experts who are specialized and experienced in all HR processes as we work with many SME’s as well as with well known MNC’s we offer customized HR solutions and services based on real and current situations along with on-time support and flexibility where you can reduce the burden of HR and focus on other operational functions. Our Secondment services help your company to improve the existing talent pool by hiring additional staff, fulfilling gaps in certain skillsets within the in-house staff providing hiring flexibility to organizations where the headcount moves in accordance with the organizational performance and the business environment, along with the cherry on top ‘try before you buy option’.

The important thing about outsourcing or global sourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.

-Azim Premji

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