How to make your Recruitment process reach optimal and successful
January 17, 2020
When it comes to organizations, recruitment means recognizing you have a position that needs to be filled prior to the point of urgency i.e., by planning, listing job descriptions and specifications, creating a list of requirements for those hoping to fill the vacancy, deciding how and where to source recruits for the position and actually attracting best people to apply for the position. HR departments can reduce employee turnover rates and improve retention rates by placing right candidates for the right position. While recruiting aims to attain large pool of best candidates, trying to filter out until one right person is found which not only includes right qualification and skill but also the ability to fit in the organization culture.
“A company should limit its growth based on its ability to attract enough of the right people.”
– Jim Collins
The first step of recruitment is to recognize that there’s either a vacant position at the company or you need to create a new position. Then to decide the source, recruiting from external sources brings in fresh talent into the organization whereas promoting from inner pool of employees improves employee morale and organizational performance, what’s needed to be done is to recognize what are requirements of the particular position which usually varies as per situations.
“Sourcing and finding personnel is most important. You can’t recruit, message, or network with someone you haven’t found.”
– Glen Cathey
The job description should cover everything about the responsibilities of the employee and what tools they’ll use to perform their duties and person specs lays out everything you hope to see in an ideal prospective applicant. When you have attracted best candidates from chosen source, you have to shortlist in order to call as few people as possible for interview. For making whole process as efficient as possible prior telephonic interview can be conducted including tests required by the position. It’s critical you determine if the process could be made more effective or less expensive because recruitment is notably time consuming and costly, so your experience can help you when you need to hire another employee. The important thing is to ensure that whole process is fair and unbiased.
“Recruiting should be viewed as business partner, someone who is critical to the success of the business.”
– Mathew Caldwell
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